Author Topic: why VIDE KRUMA so imbalance ?  (Read 7913 times)

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Re: why VIDE KRUMA so imbalance ?
« Reply #30 on: 09 November 2012 à 09:59:44 »

  Ahaha maypa guro ! >.< u can do wat ever u want in ANAKA KRUMA :) 

 no.1 enemy there is KABU for sure ahahah

ang sakit na  :g7:


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Re: why VIDE KRUMA so imbalance ?
« Reply #31 on: 09 November 2012 à 10:00:22 »
Guys easy lng may karapatan din naman ang economic and practical players accept nlng natin suggestions nila pag na implemented tayo din makikinavang d po ba?
 :3t: :tantra-1a10: :guitare-3000fr:

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Re: why VIDE KRUMA so imbalance ?
« Reply #32 on: 09 November 2012 à 10:16:46 »


Anyways, If you'll see, there'd be no difference. I hope GM 3000 would see this. ^_^

GM accessories set for all players in VEDI = longer battle in the field. It'll be more equal and more affordable for other players who can only afford GM accessories. I'm not against TA, because I have lots of them. But for the sake of other less fortunate players who can't keep it up with the game because of financial reasons, that this idea came up. If you have the ability to foresee what might happen, surely you'll see a more fun and populated VEDI kruma. Options in armor sets remain as for it's the privilege of players who spend money and time for playing Tantra-3000fr. But to be able to persuade other players, 3000fr can add an option on just staying in VEDI KRUMA for good, with them only needing small amount of money to invest on their character and play.

We all know that reaching the amara level is no time so why worry on not wearing TA set when you can just continue it up to the amara level rather than staying in vedi level.

GMA set = VEDI
TA set = AMARA

Hope you can discern on this, GM 3000. I just want to contribute for what I think might be better for Tantra-3000fr.

 :g19: :g19:

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Re: why VIDE KRUMA so imbalance ?
« Reply #33 on: 09 November 2012 à 12:13:25 »

Anyways, If you'll see, there'd be no difference. I hope GM 3000 would see this. ^_^

GM accessories set for all players in VEDI = longer battle in the field. It'll be more equal and more affordable for other players who can only afford GM accessories. I'm not against TA, because I have lots of them. But for the sake of other less fortunate players who can't keep it up with the game because of financial reasons, that this idea came up. If you have the ability to foresee what might happen, surely you'll see a more fun and populated VEDI kruma. Options in armor sets remain as for it's the privilege of players who spend money and time for playing Tantra-3000fr. But to be able to persuade other players, 3000fr can add an option on just staying in VEDI KRUMA for good, with them only needing small amount of money to invest on their character and play.

We all know that reaching the amara level is no time so why worry on not wearing TA set when you can just continue it up to the amara level rather than staying in vedi level.

GMA set = VEDI
TA set = AMARA

Hope you can discern on this, GM 3000. I just want to contribute for what I think might be better for Tantra-3000fr.

 :g19: :g19:
:g20b: :g20b: If this possible GM Considered your thinking. its Better QUIT QUIT in Vedi Kruma.....   :mad: :mad:  :g7: :g7:
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Offline rojo

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Re: why VIDE KRUMA so imbalance ?
« Reply #34 on: 09 November 2012 à 12:45:23 »
:g20b: :g20b: If this possible GM Considered your thinking. its Better QUIT QUIT in Vedi Kruma.....   :mad: :mad:  :g7: :g7:

Then quit. Nobody's stopping you.  :)

Offline Ecnerual

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Re: why VIDE KRUMA so imbalance ?
« Reply #35 on: 09 November 2012 à 12:47:35 »

Anyways, If you'll see, there'd be no difference. I hope GM 3000 would see this. ^_^

GM accessories set for all players in VEDI = longer battle in the field. It'll be more equal and more affordable for other players who can only afford GM accessories. I'm not against TA, because I have lots of them. But for the sake of other less fortunate players who can't keep it up with the game because of financial reasons, that this idea came up. If you have the ability to foresee what might happen, surely you'll see a more fun and populated VEDI kruma. Options in armor sets remain as for it's the privilege of players who spend money and time for playing Tantra-3000fr. But to be able to persuade other players, 3000fr can add an option on just staying in VEDI KRUMA for good, with them only needing small amount of money to invest on their character and play.

We all know that reaching the amara level is no time so why worry on not wearing TA set when you can just continue it up to the amara level rather than staying in vedi level.

GMA set = VEDI
TA set = AMARA

Hope you can discern on this, GM 3000. I just want to contribute for what I think might be better for Tantra-3000fr.

 :g19: :g19:

 HEY if u want to use GM accesories in vedi .. THEN use it nobody stoping you too ! ..
 and to all dont have TA acces then try to buy it using php or in load..

like we do ... to have dis acceosories
EcneruaL                       StrawBerrySandWich

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Re: why VIDE KRUMA so imbalance ?
« Reply #36 on: 09 November 2012 à 12:48:50 »
Then quit. Nobody's stopping you.  :)

 why would we quit ? hahaha  ur the one would quit .. cause ur against in TA accesories for vedi kruma
EcneruaL                       StrawBerrySandWich

Offline Alfhat70

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Re: why VIDE KRUMA so imbalance ?
« Reply #37 on: 09 November 2012 à 13:03:46 »
Then quit. Nobody's stopping you.  :)

Read Read Read Before you Quote  :lol: :lol: :lol:

its better you Quit.  :mad: :mad: :mad:
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Re: why VIDE KRUMA so imbalance ?
« Reply #38 on: 10 November 2012 à 22:17:18 »

Anyways, If you'll see, there'd be no difference. I hope GM 3000 would see this. ^_^

GM accessories set for all players in VEDI = longer battle in the field. It'll be more equal and more affordable for other players who can only afford GM accessories. I'm not against TA, because I have lots of them. But for the sake of other less fortunate players who can't keep it up with the game because of financial reasons, that this idea came up. If you have the ability to foresee what might happen, surely you'll see a more fun and populated VEDI kruma. Options in armor sets remain as for it's the privilege of players who spend money and time for playing Tantra-3000fr. But to be able to persuade other players, 3000fr can add an option on just staying in VEDI KRUMA for good, with them only needing small amount of money to invest on their character and play.

We all know that reaching the amara level is no time so why worry on not wearing TA set when you can just continue it up to the amara level rather than staying in vedi level.

GMA set = VEDI
TA set = AMARA

Hope you can discern on this, GM 3000. I just want to contribute for what I think might be better for Tantra-3000fr.

 :g19: :g19:

This game is just like any other game, play and pay as much as you can to get best item and be more powerful than the others. We dont go down just to be fair to other less fortunate. FYI, my HanJiMin at vedi can kill 1 on 1,  of course except satya and fs.
Strogly DISagrre to rojo.
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