yes, posting,commenting and replying aren't prohibited .. oh well a genius who thinks just or himself is dumb.. ^^ .. go to your room then .. youre in the wrong class we are all classmates here
.. lol
even a kid understands your intentions .. just maybe you want RESET coz you wanted to be on top for a long time but can't reach it ..
and you mean you are suggesting MP RESET coz it can be gained back? and also FYI its not all about the God skills .. it also concerns the time and $$ .. or if you give us our time back genius player we will agree to that xD ..hmmm i see .. so you want to SHINE! hahaa SHINE bebe! XD
I'm at a lost with your reply, what do you mean exactly?
Ofc, I want to be on top, what a silly remark, tell me a single player here who doesn't.
The sole reason for a reset is to bring back all the players to zero MP, so everyone can go pvp and gain them back.
You're the one who's more concern about yourself, than anyone else by all the gibberish you just posted
It's also dumb to buy accounts with high MP (imo).