Author Topic: Suggestions for the upcoming server  (Read 71993 times)

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Offline IKnowYourSecret

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Suggestions for the upcoming server
« on: 13 March 2016 à 07:55:48 »
Hello everyone! Since our beloved GM 3k FR is planning to build a new server, then here are my suggestions in behalf of developing our up coming server. I am going to start from the lowest to highest problem. Read as follows :

1st) - The leveling system:
-- I think that , its enough to do the  leveling period from 5-7 days to reach the highest level w/c is the Astica 21 so that the players won't become bored from reaching the highest lvl in a long period of time, and this is because I know that our former server (tantra FR) , most of the people during that time were bored and facing difficulties from lending a lot of time just to reach the max lvl and the result was half of them discontinue from playing bcoz aside from they don't have their own Computers, they might wasted a lot of money in spending a time from the net shop. and for those player who wanted to reach the max lvl within 3days or ealier than that, provide a Prana Orb in webmall and prana charm. In addition you can also do the same idea w/c is the "bebe repel" every late night maybe 10pm to 3am.

2nd) - for the trippers and CE users :
2.1 Trippers - we know that players who are like this could not be avoided, but in your server if you restricted this properly who affect's a lot to the leveling spot then you can implement a particular offences :
1st offence - karma automatically 50,000k
if being reported provide with screen shot account banned 1 month.

2nd offence - if he do it again automatic 50,000k karma , and if roperted provide with Screen shot  ban forever - To unbanned the account you can donate atleast worth 2k of taney donation.

3rd if doing it again
IP address will be block and account will also be ban forever no mercy

2.2 CE users - this is common in different server, but some of the server overcome it and do restrict this ungrateful behavior.

1st offence - provide with video ban for 1month. ( wait until 1month to un banned )

2nd offence - provide with video
ban forever to unbanned donate atleast 3k worth of taney.

3rd if doing it again
IP address will be block and account will also be ban forever no mercy

P.S why do we need to donate to unbanned? Its for the server itself so that the server has an enough budget to update or renew the game guard if ever the players committed CE in the server itself. and if we wanted to have an elastic and Good server then we really need to implement that sanctions further so that the server won't suffer from lack of budget inbehalf of renewing everything if ever we complain about specific problem.

3rd) - Style of the game:
- yah its okay to do the same style with tantra PH, but We all know that everyone already has this kind of idea to bring back the PH , and I think its time to make a new, recent, futuristic and up to this recent generation. Why not making your own style GM? your own masterpiece, your own idea, your own signature that is surely being remember just like the PH ? I am not saying that you are going to sweep away the memories of PH what I mean is that, you make your own design, styles, theme, set's and other new things that will also be remember by the players.

4th) -The Damage:
I prefer the same damage with the recent server powerful yet balance and everything wil be based on players hands , and the killing system is fast and it was fun. Unlike reducing the damage just like the other server who has a low damage , the game was boring and the killing is very slow.

5th) Loot Bug
BRING BACK THE LOOT BUG coz its the origin and part of the game ever since.

6th) Kruma Monitoring
kruma should always be monitored and I suggest there should be two GAME DEVELOPER ( I know one )
and if possible, make a file in your server/game which can detect those Cheat Engines and if ever there's someone that has been detected, then automatic DC.

The Idea of rewarding A taney's each winner is good, but I think it's one of the problem why did the former server offlined so it has to be controlled and reduced. This is because , aside from the server has not enough budget, the GM itself has wasted a lot of taneys and the result , no more donations ,knowing that the players itself has a chance to get taney by winning a specific wars. maybe you can twist the system and reduce the taney rewarding.

for FW ( Fortress War )
rewards might be Golden nuggets and pots and the amount or number of GN's and pots that will be given to a particular winners should only be depends on the number of participants, maximum of 2 ally's only.

for BW ( Biryu War )
Reward Taney worth 20k that should be divided into two (2) ally's and the Maharaja's will be the one who take responsible for the distributions the rewards towards his member's equally. Ally's maximum of two (2)

These are the things that I think needed to be REVISED.
Thank you for reading, and I hope this will be properly realized and recognized.
God Bless us all, and see you guys when I see you in the game soon.

 :too-much-wine::g19: :g20: :flamingdevil: :guitare-3000fr:

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Re: Suggestions for the upcoming server
« Reply #1 on: 13 March 2016 à 10:51:49 »
Hello :)

Thank you for these developments, very interesting ...

The problem I need some new files, no bugs,

It is necessary that all the stats work well:
set Amara + set hight Kruma that work properly, no bug.
Same for weapons ... etc ...
Remove the mounts (horses etc ...) in Kruma

The maps also the drop of Boss, stats attacks and defenses ...
Anti cheat Ziva Pustika, teleport, and many others ... ...

I would find the stats of origin + some improvements ...

Especially with a good anti-cheat program (CE etc ...) ...


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Re: Suggestions for the upcoming server
« Reply #2 on: 13 March 2016 à 12:09:02 »
To make this server a better place for players. Let me introduce to you the Friend Referral System. I guess everyone already know what is Friend Referral System right? Recruiter that's already registered in the game will receive reward if he/she recruits his/her friend to play the game.


  • Kasatriya Level 3
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Re: Suggestions for the upcoming server
« Reply #3 on: 13 March 2016 à 12:22:29 »

Having the same damage settings of former closed FR server is NOT NECESSARY. It is better NOT TO HAVE those edited items with extremely additional damage attributes which could slain other tribe into TWO HITS just like what KARYA damage capabilities in previous FR server settings.Party strategies and individual talent (PVP – 1 on 1) that could make the KRUMA excitement without indulging those enormous edited items.


This is not important. Players must use their character with their known own technique and timing without exploiting LOOT BUG, concerning their individual talent on handling their choose tribe.


GM in KRUMA for monitoring all players maybe an OPTIONAL, but having a STRONG GAME GUARD like CHEATWALL is the most IMPORTANT for the new FR SERVER. It will cost a lot for GM FR, but it is most CONSISTENT and EFFECTIVE game guard to detect cheaters and cheats in game. As long as the players feel the assurances and fairness management in game, players will stay and remunerate for their satisfaction. Therefore, the server and players will benefit and contented.


This is one of the most reasons why FR SERVER was closed. The TANEY SHOULD NOT be compulsorily in FW or BW rewards. GM can choose other useful PREMIUM ITEMS just to be use in rewarding the events in game. However, for TANEY rewards, I strongly discourage GM 3K to use it for rewarding the winners.

I strongly agree the below suggestion, but GM FR must be serious and have strong decision making in dealing the below suggestion.

2.1 Trippers - we know that players who are like this could not be avoided, but in your server if you restricted this properly who affect's a lot to the leveling spot then you can implement a particular offences :
1st offence - karma automatically 50,000k
if being reported provide with screen shot account banned 1 month.

2nd offence - if he do it again automatic 50,000k karma , and if roperted provide with Screen shot  ban forever - To unbanned the account you can donate atleast worth 2k of taney donation.

3rd if doing it again
IP address will be block and account will also be ban forever no mercy

2.2 CE users - this is common in different server, but some of the server overcome it and do restrict this ungrateful behavior.

1st offence - provide with video ban for 1month. ( wait until 1month to un banned )

2nd offence - provide with video
ban forever to unbanned donate atleast 3k worth of taney.

GM 3K can offer all his players with most reliable and entertaining Tantra Server, but I think he has problem on finding TRUSTED colleague in helping him managing the server. However, I am hoping that GM 3K can find trustworthy associate for managing and building again his new FR SERVER.


Offline IKnowYourSecret

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Re: Suggestions for the upcoming server
« Reply #4 on: 13 March 2016 à 17:54:11 »

Having the same damage settings of former closed FR server is NOT NECESSARY. It is better NOT TO HAVE those edited items with extremely additional damage attributes which could slain other tribe into TWO HITS just like what KARYA damage capabilities in previous FR server settings.Party strategies and individual talent (PVP – 1 on 1) that could make the KRUMA excitement without indulging those enormous edited items.

Tantra 3000fr and The GM itself were already known about that powerful damage. And its one thing that make this server unique and fun to play with bcoz the killing is fast. We could consider it as a trademark of this server. And if we are going to change it we can no longer call it or consider it as 3000FR product.

 :flamingdevil: :saint1: :p


This is not important. Players must use their character with their known own technique and timing without exploiting LOOT BUG, concerning their individual talent on handling their choose tribe.

On the other hand, I think majority are in favor with LB but that's gonna be on GM's decision coz even before we use to have it during PH days.

What's the most important thing that has to be prioritize was the ANTI CHEAT ENGINE DETECTOR/ANTI CE PROGRAM.

 :g52: :DEAD: :g52g:

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Re: Suggestions for the upcoming server
« Reply #5 on: 14 March 2016 à 06:49:08 »
cant you all guys play "without a BUG"? remove all bugs gm3k bug will always be bug.... loot bug is a bug.... so why consider or allow it to be legal.. whew.. that is one reason why others like me discover the magic of CE..i think its time to play "clean and Fair" GM.. remove all bugs........ thanks
“The worst kind of pain is when you're smiling just to stop the tears from falling.”


  • Kasatriya Level 3
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Re: Suggestions for the upcoming server
« Reply #6 on: 14 March 2016 à 07:54:29 »
Tantra 3000fr and The GM itself were already known about that powerful damage. And its one thing that make this server unique and fun to play with bcoz the killing is fast. We could consider it as a trademark of this server. And if we are going to change it we can no longer call it or consider it as 3000FR product.

 :flamingdevil: :saint1: :p

On the other hand, I think majority are in favor with LB but that's gonna be on GM's decision coz even before we use to have it during PH days.

What's the most important thing that has to be prioritize was the ANTI CHEAT ENGINE DETECTOR/ANTI CE PROGRAM.

 :g52: :DEAD: :g52g:

Let me enlighten you some thoughts.

I have played five different Tantra servers nowadays and it is very entertaining and satisfying when it comes to KRUMA battle, not because of the enormous damage implication to other tribe, but it is the strategies of pounding the opponent when both sides meet.

Changing the game settings concept into precise damage implication to each tribe is the one could make the Tantra 3K server again VERY INTERESTING to play. The TRADEMARK of Tantra FR Server for HAVING enormous damage that could kill other tribes into two hits is outlandish, because only two tribes that can benefit on it, and I think you know these two tribes that I am referring for.

Again, as I have said on my previous comments, that LOOT BUG is very LEAST IMPORTANT when building again the new 3K Tantra Server. However, having strong GAME GUARD like CHEATWALL is the most and very effective way of catching those cheaters and cheats. There are ways and means to have enjoyable combat in KRUMA battlefield even no LOOT BUG implementation. It is about TALENT handling the tribe you decide on to play.

Players can help GM 3K by sharing to him useful ideas and suggestion that both players and server will satisfy. He must study it thoroughly to avoid the previous experience ambiguities.
And one more thing, GM 3K must have RIGHT THINKING, TRUSTWORTHY and TRANSPARENT colleagues who can help him managing his new server most especially in the in game events, because this could make the server interesting to play.

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Re: Suggestions for the upcoming server
« Reply #7 on: 14 March 2016 à 16:35:10 »

1. Leveling :

In contrast to the 1 day to 1 week to reach Astica 21 and Free Repel, I would prefer a little grinding and questing so that players may spend a bit more time before pvp
PROS: Avoid DUMMY accounts that can be used for scamming, cheating and tripping(PK), Players will be able to focus on 1 or 2 chars only instead of old FR where one has like 8 tribes each

2. Level Cap
Since experience will not be as big as before, Admins should at least put a cap once server opens

First month = level 59 Cap, Anaka Kruma Open, Anaka Sets
Second month to 4th month = level 99 Cap, Vedi Open, Vedi Sets
5th month to 8th month = Amara to Eda, New Sets
9th Month to 1 year = Eda to Astica, New Sets
*This is just a sample, months may vary depending on how admins project the player turn out

3. Quests
We know these quests are being neglected due to the useless rewards, I suggest putting taney incentives in every quest reward as level progresses depending on quest difficulty
lvl 10 quest = 10 taney
lvl 15 quest = 20 taney
Pilgrimage of the Dead = High taney

OR quest rewards exchangeable to better parts
Ring of the Brave + Rapphu Xtal = Vedi Ring


Sets should be balanced and should improve each characters' strengths

Damage Types should have the most damage
Support Types better buffs and heals
Tank Types should have higher def hp

Items like Chakra Reset should be free 1x to a certain quest then the succeeding should be bought, so as Tikoy, Silfrijans, Upgrade Items, RS to avoid abuse

One of the reasons why server 3kFR went down because no one is buying at the item mall anymore since taney is free at BW and FW and premium items are via Ruphias so having essential items as EVENT REWARDS, ITEM MALL ITEMS and BOSS HUNT DROPS will make it more challenging and beneficial for the server


Regulate drop rate and item prices at shop


Remove HP Chakra Cap for Support/Tank Jobs in case they really want to tank, BATTLE FS are strong because they have no choice but to put it in muscle
Regulate Damages of Certain classes (ex. mages  > vidya)
Fix bugged skills like Desti

Remove 2 HIT or 1 HIT SKILLS for some tribes, UNLESS they opt for a PURE CHARACTER with lower HP and risk of getting 2hit too


There should be new and exciting events every week, with prizes ranging to essential premium items (pots, upgrade stones, ruphias, crafting mats etc.)

Major events will win better prizes

FW and BW should not have taney as prizes instead put reasonable ruphias and improve drops of Dungeon from japeta to useful premiums


Please have anti cheat software
Sanctions should be revised and amnesty removed

I really prefer the old ph where players utilize all maps and really work hard for their sets, premiums if priced right will be the income of the server, we should also understand that it needs enough funds to pay developer and other expenses


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Re: Suggestions for the upcoming server
« Reply #8 on: 14 March 2016 à 20:12:02 »
Hi ... Yes ... need good file ... :p

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Re: Suggestions for the upcoming server
« Reply #9 on: 15 March 2016 à 04:53:23 »
sir/madam i think its ok for the leveling, but what about our +15 set can we recall all of them if the new server is online?   :g186: :g186: :g186:


  • Kasatriya Level 3
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Re: Suggestions for the upcoming server
« Reply #10 on: 15 March 2016 à 06:07:41 »

1. Leveling :

In contrast to the 1 day to 1 week to reach Astica 21 and Free Repel, I would prefer a little grinding and questing so that players may spend a bit more time before pvp
PROS: Avoid DUMMY accounts that can be used for scamming, cheating and tripping(PK), Players will be able to focus on 1 or 2 chars only instead of old FR where one has like 8 tribes each

2. Level Cap
Since experience will not be as big as before, Admins should at least put a cap once server opens

First month = level 59 Cap, Anaka Kruma Open, Anaka Sets
Second month to 4th month = level 99 Cap, Vedi Open, Vedi Sets
5th month to 8th month = Amara to Eda, New Sets
9th Month to 1 year = Eda to Astica, New Sets
*This is just a sample, months may vary depending on how admins project the player turn out

3. Quests
We know these quests are being neglected due to the useless rewards, I suggest putting taney incentives in every quest reward as level progresses depending on quest difficulty
lvl 10 quest = 10 taney
lvl 15 quest = 20 taney
Pilgrimage of the Dead = High taney

OR quest rewards exchangeable to better parts
Ring of the Brave + Rapphu Xtal = Vedi Ring


Sets should be balanced and should improve each characters' strengths

Damage Types should have the most damage
Support Types better buffs and heals
Tank Types should have higher def hp

Items like Chakra Reset should be free 1x to a certain quest then the succeeding should be bought, so as Tikoy, Silfrijans, Upgrade Items, RS to avoid abuse

One of the reasons why server 3kFR went down because no one is buying at the item mall anymore since taney is free at BW and FW and premium items are via Ruphias so having essential items as EVENT REWARDS, ITEM MALL ITEMS and BOSS HUNT DROPS will make it more challenging and beneficial for the server


Regulate drop rate and item prices at shop


Remove HP Chakra Cap for Support/Tank Jobs in case they really want to tank, BATTLE FS are strong because they have no choice but to put it in muscle
Regulate Damages of Certain classes (ex. mages  > vidya)
Fix bugged skills like Desti

Remove 2 HIT or 1 HIT SKILLS for some tribes, UNLESS they opt for a PURE CHARACTER with lower HP and risk of getting 2hit too


There should be new and exciting events every week, with prizes ranging to essential premium items (pots, upgrade stones, ruphias, crafting mats etc.)

Major events will win better prizes

FW and BW should not have taney as prizes instead put reasonable ruphias and improve drops of Dungeon from japeta to useful premiums


Please have anti cheat software
Sanctions should be revised and amnesty removed

I really prefer the old ph where players utilize all maps and really work hard for their sets, premiums if priced right will be the income of the server, we should also understand that it needs enough funds to pay developer and other expenses

 :g20: :g20: :g20: :g20: :g20:

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Re: Suggestions for the upcoming server
« Reply #11 on: 15 March 2016 à 07:30:51 »
tulisan the druka here. guys? i agree with the post. the server was brought down because of the rewards in FW and BW. some players just have starter items then find a guild that will participate in FW or BW events then they have instant taney if they win. thus making it the players to ignore the donation which may help our server progress. GM you should reduce the rewards , and by all means. bring back the loot bug. as GM said. loot bug is irrevocable and impossible to fix. it is a part of the game. is CE part of the game? just the taney reward and CE is the major problem here. about the damage, GM maybe you could just reduce the damages a little bit. and GM is it possible for you to get other files from other servers and edit it?

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Re: Suggestions for the upcoming server
« Reply #12 on: 16 March 2016 à 05:27:51 »
 :g20: :g20: :g20:

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Re: Suggestions for the upcoming server
« Reply #13 on: 17 March 2016 à 11:16:13 »
Hello All

miss u all and GM.

when the new server begin ???

i still waiting for the news  :)  me and my all friends in indonesia country

Offline IKnowYourSecret

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Re: Suggestions for the upcoming server
« Reply #14 on: 18 March 2016 à 19:50:46 »
Hello Everyone And GM 3k
Its been almost 18 days since you had announced about the game developer, Is there any Progress? or still you are having a hard time to gather files/Database from the upcoming server that will be Launch soon? because if you do, then I think some players from your server could help you inbehalf of looking for a good files.

Sorry For Being Impatient GM 3k , GodBless You!
:cry-y: :cry-y:


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