1. For the benefits of the old players, GM can we have atleast for the beginning of the game can you gives us something in return so that we can level up and kruma at once.
2. Do not allow trades, only buying to avoid scam or hacks
3. Give code to every accounts
4. Give starter Sets and Acess
5. Full Missions and Quest ( taken where the rups and items to obtain during quest)
6. Put only NPC pots and Mana pots and Reset skills and Chakra resets only
7. Do not make FW or BW
8. 1 event for every Month not twice but once
9. Give Reload donations with different freebies
10. Make the tantra files undeditable in our pc
Thats i can suggest in the new server 2016, hopefully their are more suggestion to be post here its open to everyone.